Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Roswell, New Mexico

Roswell is located about 200 miles from any major center and is a bit off the beaten track.  We came up from Las Cruces through Lincoln County, stomping grounds of Billy the Kid in the late 1880's.  Here's a good website on the battles and gunfights of the Lincoln Wars:  http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/billythekid/gunfights.html.

We drove through the Mescalero Apache reservation in the high country, past Ruidoso, reaching a summit of 7,600 feet before dropping down into the beautiful Pecos Valley, past San Patricio and into Roswell, located on the northeastern fringe of the Chihuahua Desert. 

The Roswell Artesian Basin is responsible for making this area the dairy capital of the state, and the park we're staying in is surrounded by hayfields, dairy farms, and pecan orchards. 

Above:  McDonald's alien marketing strategy

Above:  Funeral Home in Roswell where alien bodies were allegedly taken after crash

Anyhoo, check out the PhotoRama page for a possible alien encounter ...

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