Friday, December 10, 2010

Brookings, Fortuna, Willits

Brookings is in the "banana belt" of Oregon, apparently, and we really felt a change in temperature when we got there.  It was a balmy steady 13 degrees.  The Coast Guard was practicing out in the giant breakers about 50 feet from the beach in the morning.  They had the type of boats that can roll over and completely right themselves after being tumbled around in the huge waves.  It was awesome to see them doing their maneuvers right in front of us.

We spent the next day traveling the Redwood Highway to Fortuna, California, and stayed a couple of nights there.  The town looks like it must have looked at least 50 years ago, with lots of old buildings and wonderful old houses.  I think the weather is going to stay warm from now on, although it's been damp so far.  There were lots of happy tree frogs in the campground, and a great horned owl came and hooted most of the two nights we were there.

We're now in Willits and will be going to Sacramento in a couple of days, then down to the Desert Springs area for Christmastime.  The band of gypsys are all doing well and are not missing the snow and cold one little bit!

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